Rabu, 25 April 2012

Don't Get Sick at the Gym: 7 Ways to Prevent Infection

Don't Get Sick at the Gym: 7 Ways to Prevent Infection

Live to 100 Series sponsored by Spiriva

Dumbbells. Bike seats. Yoga mats. Hot tubs. Sweaty bodies. Shower floors. You go to the gym to get fit, not to get sick. But you could be exposing yourself to infection while you exerciseâ€"if you're not careful.

Upper respiratory tract infections are the likeliest threat, says Amesh Adalja, a board-certified physician specializing in infectious diseases and clinical assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. This risk for a cold or flu at gyms is similar to what you'd face in other public settings, says Adalja, but going to the gym can boost your odds of contracting MRSA (short for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)â€"particularly if you participate in contact sports or share equipment. And while "staph" usually doesn't cause health problemsâ€"about 1 in 3 people carries it harmlesslyâ€"MRSA is scary, since it's immune to certain antibiotics, Adalja says.

[See: MRSA Infections Are Rising in Kids: 'Superbug' Author Shares Prevention Tips]

Now, this isn't an excuse to cancel your gym membership: The benefits of exercise "clearly outweigh" the risks for infections, says Adalja. Just follow these tips to safeguard your health.

Wash your handsâ€"often. Common sense and good hygiene are especially important when dealing with bodily fluids like sweat, says Aaron Glatt, spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America and chief administrative officer at Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre, N.Y. After exercise, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap, particularly before touching your face or eating (yes, even that wrapper-protected energy bar).

Use your own supplies. Bring your own equipment whenever possible, including yoga mats, boxing gloves, and boxing wraps. Never share towels or razors. (If you must use gym-owned boxing gloves that can't accommodate boxing wraps, consider wearing latex gloves underneath, advises Neal Pire, spokesperson for the American College of Sports Medicine and owner of Inspire Training Systems.) Though the risk of acquiring MRSA from exercise equipment is low, according to a small 2011 study in the American Journal of Infection Control, shared supplies like yoga mats can be "a haven for dirt, sweat, and grime," says Pire.

[See: Is Your Keyboard Making You Sick?]

Wrap those wounds. If you have any type of wound, whether it's actively bleeding or in the process of healing, cover it with a secure bandage. Most skin infections "are picked up through breaks in people's skin," Adalja explains. (Avoid whirlpools or swimming pools until you've healed, advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.) If your wounds aren't healing properlyâ€"healthy people should see improvement in two or three days, Adalja saysâ€"or if you have a fever or abnormal pain, consult a healthcare provider. You may have an infection that needs medical attention.

Check out your sports partners. No, not like that. Just look around to see if anyone has signs of an active infectionâ€"like a nasty blister or rashâ€"and avoid body contact, since skin infections can be transmitted through contact sports like basketball and racquetball, says Adalja. "The more contact, the more potential for infection," adds Glatt. And if you have an active infection (even if it's just a cold), think about staying home until you've recovered, Adalja says. It's common courtesy.

Wipe machinesâ€"twice. Wipe down equipment before and after you use it. And don't just swipe with a plain towel, although that's better than nothing, Adalja says. Instead, use an antibacterial wipe or spray. Some gyms even provide complimentary cleaning agents, so no excuses.

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