Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Helping a Child Who Is Afraid of Shots

Helping a Child Who Is Afraid of Shots

Helping Kids Who Fear Vaccines

When your young child whimpers at the mention of the word "shot," you probably have mixed feelings. You want your son to be protected by his vaccinations; you just wish that the procedure was pain-free.

"Vaccines protect the health and well-being of children, but children don't understand that," says Deborah Wexler, MD, executive director of the Immunization Action Coalition, a national organization based in St. Paul, Minn. "It can be really hard for them to come in for their shots."

Polio Vaccine (IPV)

Polio, an infectious disease caused by a virus that lives in the throat and intestinal tract, was once the leading cause of disability in the U.S. Since the introduction of the polio vaccine in 1955, the disease has been eradicated in the U.S. But the disease is still common in some developing countries and until it is eradicated worldwide, the risk of it spreading to the U.S. still exists. For that reason, the polio vaccination remains one of the recommended childhood immunizations. In most parts...

Read the Polio Vaccine (IPV) article

Fortunately, you can have an active role in changing your child's attitude. What a parent says and does before, during, and after the doctor's appointment can help to calm a child, reduce her fears, and ensure that she develops a healthy attitude toward seeing the pediatrician.

If you struggle with what to say or have trouble putting on a brave face, read on for expert advice.

Stay on schedule.

The American Academy of Pediatrics' immunization schedule recommends that children get the bulk of their vaccines before age 2.

Babies won't remember the pain from a previous visit, but toddlers and preschoolers who need catch-up vaccinations may associate the doctor's office with being poked and prodded.

"Don't delay those infant vaccines until they're over 1," Wexler says. "The older they are, the harder they are to vaccinate, because they remember the last appointment."


Your attitude and appearance is more important than you may realize, because young children take cues from their parents. If you grimace or tense up, your child may become anxious, too.

"Parental behavior during vaccinations has been shown repeatedly to be a key factor in determining the amount of pain and anxiety a child will experience," says pediatric needle pain researcher Lindsay Uman, PhD, a clinical psychologist at IWK Health Centre in Canada's Halifax, Nova Scotia.

"Interestingly, many studies show that parental reassurance (saying "It's OK' or 'Don't worry') is likely to increase a child's distress, [possibly because] it tells the child there's something to worry about," Uman says.

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